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Safety blitz sees over 150 speeding charges in 11-day stretch

There were also three stunt driving charges issued

All members of the Perth County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) took part in the Canada Road Safety Week campaign that ran from June 21, 2024, to July 1, 2024. Officers paid close attention to the "Big 4" causal factors in serious collisions on OPP patrolled roadways: impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving, and fail to wear a seatbelt.

Perth County OPP officers laid 217 traffic related charges during the weeklong initiative, including:

  • 158 speeding charges
  • three stunt driving charges
  • three impaired driving charges
  • one distracted driving charges
  • nine seatbelt charges
  • one Cannabis Control Act - traffic related
  • 35 other Provincial traffic offence charges

Another 27 Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) programs were set up at various Perth County locations throughout the campaign.

During the week-long campaign, the Perth County OPP investigated 12 motor vehicle collisions but thankfully there were no fatalities on our roadways.

"Each person has a role to play in making the roads and trails safe to travel in Perth County; we ask that everyone does their part by ensuring they are sober, using the proper safety equipment, travelling at the speed limit, and not using their cell phones while driving. Members of Perth County OPP are committed to ensuring safety on our roadways through engagement, education, and enforcement. We all benefit when we work together to make Perth County a safer place to live, work, and visit." - Inspector Wendy Burrow, Detachment Commander, Perth County OPP.

The OPP thanks all drivers and passengers who kicked off the summer and celebrated the Canada Day long weekend with safety at top of mind and encourages them to continue to do so throughout the year.
