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LETTER: 'Change is inevitable, but tread carefully' says reader

'It defies logic that the same planning department responsible for developing our Official Plans would make recommendations to council to contradict the very principles they have set'
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StratfordToday received the following letter to the editor from Adrienne Tuling regarding Perth South Council’s support of the proposed Sebringville development.

Dear Editor,

Change is inevitable, but when it comes to change that will irrevocably transform our communities, we must tread carefully. Perth South Council’s support of the proposed Sebringville development raises important questions about the role and relevance of Perth County’s Official Plans, both current and draft.

When an applicant submits requests for amendments for a development that deviates from established land use provisions set in the Official Plan that have shaped our communities, it creates a fundamental conflict. The Official Plan serves as the guiding document for long-term growth and development in Perth County, reflecting policy, projected needs, public input, and a vision for the future. If proposed amendments contradict this plan, it implies a divergence in priorities or vision.

As it stands, the proposed development and the Official Plan can’t be considered equally reasonable because they represent opposing directions and, potentially, interests. Upholding the Official Plan ensures consistency, fairness, and the integrity of the community's long-term objectives. Allowing amendments that stray from the plan risks undermining these principles and creates precedents that weaken the planning framework and our county as a whole.

It defies logic that the same Planning department responsible for developing our Official Plans would make recommendations to Council to contradict the very principles they have set. Regardless, it seems entirely reasonable to expect councils to adhere to the Official Plan, particularly when the proposed Sebringville development cannot be reasonably justified under either the current or draft.


Adrienne Tuling
Sebringville, Ont.