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Matt Harris

Matt Harris

Matt Harris has been a journalist for more than 20 years, starting out his career as a freelance reporter with The Record's sports department before making stops in Grand Bend, Port Elgin, Centre Wellington and then back home in Stratford. He's excited to join the StratfordToday team and bring more of the city's colourful stories to your attention

[email protected]

Recent Work by Matt

SDSS program helping equip students with life-improving skills

SDSS program helping equip students with life-improving skills

'I'm able to help give the students some consistency' - Rebecca Wilson
Such stuff as Hill's dreams are made on

Such stuff as Hill's dreams are made on

In her eighth season at the Stratford Festival, Hill living out a dream as Viola in Twelfth Night
SPL seeing strong social returns on investment

SPL seeing strong social returns on investment

Metrics show $400+ in value over cost
Shaughnessy seeking justification for city's actions

Shaughnessy seeking justification for city's actions

'The City is acting on poor legal advice' - Barb Shaughnessy
Council adjourns meeting after Shaughnessy arrives in chambers

Council adjourns meeting after Shaughnessy arrives in chambers

Banned citizens eligible to return to public forums July 4
IMT not talking security measures with striking workers

IMT not talking security measures with striking workers

'We might make more of a point talking about this with management going forward' - McDonnell
Stratford Live Music and Food 2024

Stratford Live Music and Food 2024

A weekend full of live music, food and family fun
City awaits ZETF decision on electric bus funding

City awaits ZETF decision on electric bus funding

Stratford's oldest fleet units have been in service since 2013
Stewart Reynolds is a real ham ... sandwich

Stewart Reynolds is a real ham ... sandwich

Brittlestar one of Sirkel's most popular menu options
van Schaik growing engaged students at Romeo PS

van Schaik growing engaged students at Romeo PS

Teacher one of four honoured by AMDSB's trustee recognition program
More work by Matt >