An local organization that is working towards charitable status has its sights set on helping alleviate the housing crisis in Stratford one tiny house at a time.
As Home Suite Home works to gain their charitable status, their mission is to help end ‘hidden homelessness’ from the local equation. Jeff Murton, Home Suite Home’s general manager, said the group is looking to make a difference in the most basic of ways.
“We recognized the crisis of ‘hidden homelessness’ and wanted to do our part to help,” he said. “We asked the question, ‘what if we could rally the community to build one home?’. That’s our motto - one at a time.”
Murton said the fundamental values of the organization and its guiding principles include fostering a collaborative environment towards the goal of building tiny homes. Home Suite Home is not seeking to purchase the land but rather find willing owners who would agree to have a tiny home placed on their property - similar to something people would do for a free-standing income suite in their backyard.
“We are seeking property - if someone has a loved one that has fallen on hard times and has space on their property, we can build a six meter by six meter tiny home/garden suite on that land to rent,” Murton said. “This will be serviced free of charge. Ultimately, we’re seeking to establish 10 Home Suite Homes.”
The process begins when an application is submitted to the organization. Hive Design Co. and Teahen Construction will then step in and assess the land to see if it conforms to local bylaws. Land owners will have to review criteria for receiving a tiny home from the group, and once an agreement has been made and signed off, work begins.
“There would be a slab or piers set in place and all services and utilities would be hooked up on the property,” Murton indicated. “The delivery date to the site is then set and the approved tenant will sign a tenancy agreement with a move-in date set.”
If the landowner wishes to terminate their agreement with Home Suite Home at any time, there is a mechanism to do so. Murton indicated that landowners sign a similar agreement to tenants to try and keep the two aligned logistically, and that if they decide to terminate the agreement the landowner is responsible for the cost to help move the home - he estimated it to be around $3,000.
It should be pointed out that while Home Suite Home identifies as a Christian ministry in their mission statement, Murton and Executive Director Vicky Devocht said there is no requirement on the part of would-be tenants to produce an expression of faith to be considered for this program.
Home Suite Home currently has one prospective tenant in the process while they seek a spot for the home. They also offer a rent-to-own option on their homes, something to help further solve the housing crisis.
“This is done at the tenant/purchaser’s request - once they have successfully rented for a tenancy term, a purchase price, down payment and purchase date are established, and a $1,000 non-refundable option consideration payment is applied towards the down payment,” Murton said. “In the event that the purchaser fails to exercise the option to purchase, or if they default under the terms of the contracts, the option is null and void and the option payment will be retained by Home Suite Home. All of the details of the rental agreement must be faithfully performed in order for the option to purchase to be valid and enforceable.”
There are two unit sizes available - the aforementioned 6x6 single-bed unit, and a 6x7 double bed one. And while there is a lot of talk about Stratford entering into housing partnerships with groups like the United Way and their ‘United Housing’ project, Home Suite Home differs in that their focus is narrower.
“The United Way has support services integration, where we have a narrower focus of providing a quality, affordable home specifically targeted for those who are experiencing ‘Hidden Homelessness’,” Murton said. “We are also providing needed items to The Connection Centre in Stratford through purchases made through our online store, Hope Essentials.”
More information about Home Suite Home, their Hope Essentials program and application details can be found on their website.