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Stratford teen chasing down his hockey dream

Zach Houben gunning to make OHL's 67s during his draft year
LW Zach Houben playing

A local teen is looking to make the next steps in his hockey career, as Stratford native Zach Houben is fighting to earn a spot on the Ottawa 67s roster this season. 

“Camps been great,” Houben said. “It's been awesome playing in two games, and I am looking forward to the season with these guys. The preseason allows you to make some adjustments, and it’s helped me build some confidence while allowing me to showcase the impact I can make for the 67s this season.” 

The second-year junior won’t find out at least for a couple of weeks if he has made the Ontario Hockey League Club but he is enjoying his time. The 17 year old fell in love with hockey when he was younger, as he grew up watching his role models, his father and brother both play hockey. 

Last season Houben played with the Komoka Kings in the Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League where he put up 4 goals, 11 assists and 20 penalty minutes in 38 games.

“Playing in Komoka was great,” said Houben. “We weren’t a strong team, but I feel like I developed a lot as a player and I have nothing but good things to say about them. Making the 67s is step one for the season, but I want to keep growing as a player. It’s my draft year as well so you want to improve throughout the season and do well.” 

Before Komoka, Houben played with the Huron Perth Lakers, but this year his goal is set on making the OHL. Like many from this part of the province, Houben’s favourite National Hockey League team is the Toronto Maple Leafs and her harbours a small dream of hearing the club call his name at the entry draft.

“It would be an absolute dream to be drafted, especially to the Maple Leafs, it's every kid's dream to play for their favourite team,” said Houben. “You look at Easton Cowan who also played for Komoka before heading to the London Knights and then being drafted to the Leafs and it's something I am striving for too.”

There is a big difference between Cowan who is a little on the smaller side standing at only 5 foot 11, while Houben comes into the 67s camp listed at 6 foot 6 and weighing just over 200 pounds.

“I like to use my size to my advantage,” Houben said.  “I also still like being able to skate and be a skilled player with physical play and a net presence as well.”

Ottawa has two more preseason games before they kick off the regular season against Niagara on September 27. It will be likely after those final tune up games that Houben learns his fate, but he is already excited about the possibility of playing close to home. 

“There are always a few games circled on the calendar, especially against teams close to home like London and Kitchener,” said Houben.  “It would be awesome to play in front of friends and family that have supported me, so that would be a lot of fun.”