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Stratford's fencing club a well-kept secret no longer

Club's coach puts Stratford on par with virtually every other fencing club across the country
Fencing competition

It might not be one of the big four top sports in the world, but people call it physical chess…it’s fencing. 

Stratford is home to one of the top fencing organizations in all of Canada, with the Stratford Fencing Club launching in 2010. The club counts only 30-40  fencers among their membership and has competed all over the world including Pan American championships, world championships, and even university championships.

“The guy who won silver at the Olympics trained with the club in Stratford last year, as did Lee Kiefer, a now two-time gold medal winner,”  said Darren Marks, the club's head coach. “Stratford’s program is probably the strongest definitively in Ontario. We are probably the second strongest program in Canada only to a club of over 800 members in Vancouver.” 

There are three weapons associated with fencing: epee, saber and foil, and Stratford only teaches foil.  The club offers programs for beginners both for youth 17 and under and adults over 17 with classes running every six weeks from September until June.  

Marks, who is revered as one of the premier fencing coaches in Canada and around the world, is a professor at Western University and moved to Stratford in 2003. 

“I was trained by world famous Olympian Giulio Tomassini, considered to be one of the top maestros in the sport,” said Marks, who learned his craft at an Italian French School. “I occasionally get offers to coach all over the world, and I am regularly coaching in Europe, especially in Italy."

The sport is very much a family affair as Mark’s son Gareth was involved with the first group at the organization.

“He has fenced for Canada, and he is currently fencing with Cambridge University in the UK,” Marks said. 

To learn more about Stratford fencing or to register visit their website.