Pinnacle Field House is bringing a pickleball clinic to Stratford on Sunday, Nov. 17, dividing it into four different clinics offering something for all skill levels.
“We have everything from beginners all the way to closer to amateur pro levels,” said Pinnacle Field House's sports administrator Kayden Schooley. “The group clinics are for up to twelve people. People will learn about different shots, strategies for doubles, and lots of techniques for your own game.”
The different clinics include: learn to play for beginners (10-11:30 a.m.), get this game started for advanced beginners (11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m.), play and drill third shots for intermediate level players (1:30-3 p.m.), and practice like a 5.0 also for intermediate level players (3:30-5 p.m.).
The pickleball courts opened up at the Pinnacle Field House roughly a year ago, and the growth for the sport has been tremendous. The sport is catching on with all age brackets, not just the older population. The local facility is seeing constant growth, whether it be for work parties, birthday parties or even school gym classes.
“We are constantly seeing new members, with lots of people coming from all over Southern Ontario. We just held a tournament over the weekend and had 96 people signed up," Schooley said. “We are seeing a big growth in our youth demographic: that 16-25 year-old demographic is really taking an interest, with us seeing 15-30 players per week in that age group. These lessons are more for those looking to better themselves and apply what they learn to whatever level they are playing at.”
Anyone interested in participating is asked to register here, with the beginner clinics costing $50, while the intermediate clinics will cost $60.