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Perth South begins search for new treasurer, deputy CAO

Municipality engages Waterhouse Executive Search to aid with process at a cost of $19,500
Perth South Council Nov 5 2024

The Township of Perth South is on the hunt for a new Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and Treasurer.

“Our beloved Deputy CAO and Treasurer Rebecca (Clothier) has accepted a new position with Lambton Shores,” said Chief Administrative Officer Fred Tranquilli during Tuesday’s council meeting. “We are very grateful for her service, and as a management team we are very happy for Rebecca.”

Tranquilli announced that he has begun the process of recruiting for the position. On October 25, the Township received a proposal from the company Waterhouse Executive Search. 

“Currently I’ve been working with Rebecca on securing a temporary treasurer to support us in the event that there is a gap which I expect there will be, until we get someone hired full time in place,” said Tranquilli. “We are hopeful that a retired treasurer that we have been talking to will be able to come in at least on a part time basis to continue to aid the finance department to conduct the day-to-day operations.” 

During the question period, Councilor Mark Bell inquired about the legality around the position and if it could be filled by an outside accountant or firm. The CAO doesn’t believe that is the right course of action for the township.

“Legislation requires a treasurer to be appointed,” said Tranquilli. “However that person doesn’t need to be employed by the organization so theoretically you could appoint an external  accounting company, but that is not an option I would recommend. I think you wouldn't get the same value. You would be paying an accounting firm probably $300 an hour, and based on the level of engagement the treasurer has on the day-to-day operations I would recommend hiring a treasurer who can dedicate their full attention to Perth South.” 

Clothier agreed with Tranquilli.

“I would agree with Fred’s comments; you definitely do not want to hire an accounting firm to carry out the roles of the treasurer,” she said. “It will be far more expensive, so I think in the interim we can look at ways to alleviate the work load.”

Councillor Jaime Martin asked the CAO why he selected Waterhouse Executive Search to help Perth South in the hiring process. 

“The company has a great deal of experience in recruiting senior management,” said Tranquilli. “They are really one of two companies that do this kind of work, and the benefit of using this company is a wide range of candidates that they can help recruit from, as well as going through the hiring process.”

CAO Tranquilli’s report to council stated that the cost to hire Waterhouse Executive Search would come in at $19,500 plus taxes.

Councillor Martin asked if this is the company the township used to hire Tranquilli when the CAO position became available, and the answer was no, as the Township used an individual for the hiring process. 

“This is just a considerable amount of money,” said Martin. “That’s why I was wondering why we went with a firm instead of the individual who brought you, and did a very good job.”

Cost of service came down to the CAO’s decision to use the services of Waterhouse.

“This cost is actually lower than the other firm,” said Tranquilli. “Frequently a recruitment firm will charge a percentage of the salary of the individual being recruited but this firm has agreed to a fixed term contract, and agreed to redo the process if this candidate doesn’t work out.” 

Following questions, councilors voted to receive the information of the report, which can be found here, and to retain the services of Waterhouse Executive Search to fill the vacant role.


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