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Around the Playground: November 2024

Highlighting what has taken place at local schools and whats coming up
USED 05/28/2022 (20)(1)

The Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) has launched their before and after school program 2025-2026 survey. It uses a series of viability process checks to determine the need for before and after school programs for kindergarten to Grade 6 students and shares this information with program providers. Please complete the survey before December 6:

Downie Central Public School participated in their 19th annual Terry Fox Run, and between donations and t-shirt sales along with Toonies for Terry, the school raised $45,794.98.

The Leadership Club at the school collected over 270 non-perishable food items which will be donated to Stratford House of Blessing.

Hamlet Public School’s Act of Kindness: On Friday, Nov. 22, Hamlet's grade 5/6 class got together with their little buddies in KB and spread kindness throughout the community by raking leaves in several neighbour's yards. Their act of kindness did not go unnoticed as some neighbours called the school to thank the group.

With the colder weather here to stay Huron Perth Public Health is asking all parents/caregivers to keep students home for at least 24 hours if they are experiencing respiratory sickness symptoms and 48 hours for gastrointestinal symptoms. Common influenza symptoms include: fever, cough, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, and a runny or stuffy nose. Some people may also experience diarrhea and vomiting.


Little Falls Public School Holiday Cheer Drive: Monday, November 25th - Friday, December 6th Help us make sure every child in our community has a happy holiday by donating to our Holiday Cheer Drive at Little Falls Public School. We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys, as well as pajamas, personal hygiene items, mittens, socks, and gift certificates.

Stratford District Secondary School “Need a Coat, Take a Coat” Program: SDSS is continuing its "Need a Coat, Take a Coat" program, which helps ensure that students stay warm during the winter months. Community members are invited to donate gently used winter coats at the school, with additional support available for those who need assistance making donations.

St. Michael Catholic Secondary School: Live Nativity scene on December 4 from 6-8 p.m.

SDSS Culinary Club Dinner: On December 9th, SDSS’s Culinary Club will host a special dinner featuring a European 'Comfort Food' menu designed by senior members of the club. The dinner, which serves as both a learning experience and fundraiser, will be held at two seating times: 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are $35 and reservations can be made by emailing [email protected].

Stratford District Secondary School: Thursday, Dec. 12 is the SDSS Winter Musical Concert from 7-9 p.m.

Anne Hathaway Public School: Holiday Concert on December 10-11 from 12-1 p.m 

North Easthope Public School: Holiday Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 11:30 and 7 p.m.; Red and Green day on Friday, Dec. 20

Central Perth Elementary School: Holiday Food Drive Dec 2-6; Holiday Concert December 11 at 6:30 p.m.; Spirit Week December 16-20

Avon Public School: Frozen-Operetta December 10-12 from 7-8 p.m. and December 13 from noon- 1 p.m.

Downie Central Public School: Spirit Week Dec 16-20

Bedford Public School: Spirit Week December 16-20

Winter Break: The winter break starts on December 23 and goes until January 6, 2025

From the Avon Maitland District School Board:

During the November AMDSB board meeting, Trustee Michael Bannerman was acclaimed as Chair and Trustee Patricia Smith was acclaimed as Vice-Chair for 2025.

Treaty Recognition Week: AMDSB focused on educating students about Indigenous treaties, with a special emphasis on Treaties 29 and 45 ½. Educators participated in a virtual 'learning circle' led by the AMDSB Indigenous Education team, gaining deeper insights into the significance of these treaties. Students then engaged in learning activities to understand the historical and contemporary importance of these agreements and reflect on their roles in reconciliation. 

Holocaust Education Week: During this week, AMDSB organized a series of educational activities aimed at raising awareness of the Holocaust’s impact on Jewish people and other marginalized communities. Through lessons, discussions, and reflections, students explored the importance of remembering the past while combating hate and discrimination in the present.

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week: AMDSB took part in Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week with campaigns, workshops, and classroom activities that promoted kindness, respect, and inclusion. The board also reminded students, parents, and community members about the Anonymous Reporting Tool, available on each school’s website, which offers a safe and confidential way to report bullying, racism, and other concerns.

Honouring Veterans: A group of history students from Stratford District Secondary School (SDSS) participated in a project to honour local veterans ahead of Remembrance Day. They visited Avondale Cemetery to clean and place flags on the graves of veterans. The initiative was part of an effort to educate students about the sacrifices made by service members and to connect them with their local history. The project also aimed to encourage a deeper appreciation for the veterans' contributions and the importance of Remembrance Day. The students expressed how meaningful it was to learn about these individuals and pay tribute to them.



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