StratfordToday received the following letter from an Orangeville resident in response to a letter earlier this week comparing Orangeville and Stratford.
A very interesting piece by Mr Lewis. Differences are rather jaw dropping. Must add though one biggie that is hanging over Orangeville taxpayers is the construction of a new fire hall. Initial costs just four years ago set at around $8 million. Now, with no shovels in the ground yet the cost has jumped to about $32 million. Water services for the town (expansion/upgrades/replacement work) has a 10 year plan which is for a jaw dropping $125 million. This past summer, one of the wettest on record here, we were placed on a strict water usage plan and advised it was going to be in effect for a few years to come. All of this as a lot of new homes are being built which will require more water.
Costs of maintaining municipalities has skyrocketed but local government have to do their best to try and reign things in.
Have a great day
Keith Lawson