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LETTER: How do you deal with a bully? Punch them in the nose!

There is an obvious pushback to the Orange Jesus wanting to take over our beloved soverign country, writes reader James McMyler.

StratfordToday received the following letter on how Canada should deal with U.S. President Donald Trump.

What a world. It feels like it's coming at us at a blistering pace, and it is.

In the Second World War it was called a Blitzkrieg, and this attack on our democracy from our once great ally is exactly following the model of Mein Kampf, written by none other than Adolf Hitler. Don't believe me? Please please do your own research. I'm not alone in this observation, and have watched it play out for a little over six years.

Deceit and mass mind control on a grand scale is part of the model. At the end of the Second World War the allied winners of the war touted the slogan "never again." We are sadly as close to "again" (as we were.) 

So what can we do, you may ask? Well, there is an obvious pushback to the Orange Jesus wanting to take over our beloved soverign country. But it takes all stripes of political belief, caring first for Canada, caring for our democracy over party and having the conviction to do something.

Don't travel to the U.S.A. for pleasure until he stops threatening us. It kicks him in the wallet, the biggest pain for Trumpski. He's picking on us because we are a stong democracy, and he wants to break us. He will keep moving the goal post for us.

Yes, not travelling will hurt the small business and larger also, but only they can pressure Dumold J. Trump.

James McMyler