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New alliance for pet businesses in Stratford: The Stratford Pets and Animals Alliance

Members of the SPAA include Alley Cat Café, The Barkery, Pure Pets, and more!

The Stratford Pets and Animals Alliance (SPAA) has emerged as a vital new resource for local pet businesses and the community. Its mission is to unify and empower pet-related enterprises while giving back to Stratford's furry friends. 

Founded by Tyler Jouwsma, owner and founder of Paws on Patrol Stratford, the idea for SPAA began six months ago, inspired by Jouwsma’s experiences with the Chamber of Commerce and the realization that Stratford lacked a dedicated group for pet businesses. The Alliance started inviting members three months ago and has quickly grown to include 12 businesses. Current members include:

Upcoming events

One of SPAA's key initiatives is the Paws and Principles panel discussion, scheduled for March 2025.

"The event will feature three panels: a Q&A session with Alliance members, a discussion on proactive pet care, and a session on ensuring a peaceful home environment for pets. Each panel will include local experts, and we hope to have a notable guest speaker, potentially a renowned figure in the pet care industry."

Proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to local organizations such as Feline Friends Network or K9 Safe Space.

Community benefits

For the Stratford community, SPAA provides a "one-stop-shop" for pet-related inquiries and services. Jouwsma envisions a future where residents can easily access expert advice and resources for their pets. The Alliance's first project, a brochure featuring its founding members, has already been distributed to inform the public about available services.

"Imagine having a place where you can get expert advice on anything related to your pet," Jouwsma said. "That's what we're aiming to create."

Joining the alliance

SPAA is open to welcoming more pet businesses. Interested parties can fill out an application form reflecting the alliance's values and objectives. The vetting process ensures that all members are committed to supporting each other and the community. Jouwsma emphasizes that SPAA aims to include every pet business willing to contribute, fostering a spirit of collaboration.

"SPAA aims to create a supportive network where businesses can refer and recommend each other while promoting positive, understanding, respectful, and equal relationships," Jouwsma explained. "Members are expected to commit to the Alliance's mission and maintain an eco-community mindset, emphasizing collaboration over competition."

The Stratford Pets and Animals Alliance is dedicated to creating a unified community of pet businesses that support each other and give back to the local area. With its innovative events and collaborative spirit, SPAA promises to make a significant impact on Stratford's pet owners and businesses alike.

For more information and updates, check out SPAA's Instagram and Facebook pages, and stay tuned for their upcoming website launch.

If you are a pet business interested in joining the Alliance, reach out through their social media or contact Jouwsma directly at 226-978-9717.
